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Option 1 - Submission of Web Site/s to

The Localguide Project

Redirection Service
Option One

Redirection Service
Option Two

Redirection Service
Terms and Conditions

Place your listings HERE for the Localguide Project

The Business Directory
Option One

The Business Directory
Option Two

The Business Directory
Terms and Conditions

AAA Media Network

Signing up for the Web Address Redirection Service requires that you have either agreed to submit and maintain a web site/s listing to the "" project or that the appropriate fee has been paid.

We'd much prefer individuals and businesses to take up the option of supplying suitable web sites for the "localguide" project. The reasons for this are
outlined here.

The following criteria must be considered before any web sites are submitted to the "localguide" project. Failure to meet these conditions is likely to see your submission/s rejected along with the associated Redirection Service.

a. Site/s submitted to the "LOCALGUIDE" project must be local in nature. This is by far the most important criteria. It can include a local community directory, local restaurant, accommodation etc.
However, web site/s will be accepted from much larger sites if the web address submitted actually has specific local content. For example, it might be a big specialised site dealing with accommodation which has a section devoted to a specific locality. As long as the specific web address that is submitted takes people directly to that section, then it will be acceptable (this would be classed as a
SECOND-LEVEL web address - explained in more detail further on).

Please note that business opportunity type listings will not be accepted for inclusion into the "local guide" project at this time. However, once the "local guide" site is activated, you'll certainly be welcomed to place such a listing into the appropriate category. At this stage, the focus is on building a database of web sites aimed at the wider community. Business opportunity type sites are best catered for at this stage within The Business Directory.

b. Adult sites are not accepted. In fact all submitted sites should be suitable for viewing by children. While this might seem like a very conservative approach, we believe that local content should be suitable for "ALL LOCALS" not just adults.

c. How many web sites need to be submitted and maintained to use the Redirection Service? That depends on what type of web addresses you submit and how many Redirection Services you wish to sign up for. For EACH Redirection Service you sign up for, the following submissions must take place. Therefore if you sign up for two Redirection Services than you'll need to double the number of sites submitted based on the criteria below.

Web Address Submissions:

You will need to submit two (2) "top level" web addresses to use the Redirection Service. An example of a top-level web address would be


You'll need to submit four (4) "second level" web addresses to use the Redirection Service. An example of a second-level web address would be or

What's the difference you might ask? It's simple,
top-level domain names tend to be much more stable. That is, they usually don't disappear overnight causing a "URL NOT FOUND" message.

Second-level domains however can change like the seasons. Here one day gone the next. The results being the irritating "URL NOT FOUND" message. From a maintenance point of view, top-level domains will require much less work to keep updated. In fact, if chosen wisely it is possible that no maintenance at all will be required on your behalf once the listing has been submitted. This ensures your use of the Redirection Service remains intact long after you have submitted your web sites as part of the usage condition.

Other points to keep in mind is that web addresses submitted don't have the end with If it has local content for an Australian Town/Suburb/Place then it is acceptable.

And finally, you'll need the following information before submitting a site.

1. The main postcode covered by the site being submitted
2. The main town/suburb/place covered by the site being submitted.
3. An "optional" brief description outlining the sites content.

Both points 1 and 2 are required so that we can allocate "precisely" where the final web addresses should be placed in the "final" localguide directory.

We look forward to your submissions which should be
entered HERE.



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