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The "localguide" project.


One of the major problems with internet based sites is the issue of attracting suitable visitors. It's been said many times before that the "Internet" offers a level playing field. Unfortunately, many small businesses have found this not to be the case. Large corporations have huge advertising budgets and resources which they can use to drive traffic to their respective web sites. Therefore, those people saying the internet offers a level playing field for "ALL" businesses and individuals really need to look at the facts first.

In an attempt to pool resources, a unique project has been initiated by AAA Publishing Group Pty Ltd which aims to overcome this "unlevel" playing field and to generate traffic which would normally be out of reach for the majority of small businesses.

This particular project has been under development since late 1996. In that time, the original concept has remained unchanged. However, the process of implemention has changed many times to keep pace with the ever changing internet and also to take full advantage of new technology developments. While the concept itself is very simple, the implementation has presented some extremely technical and logistical challenges. In fact it has required the development and deployment of some very customised software to initialise and organise both the data and data structure around which the project is built and maintained. Without this specialised software, it would have been impossible to even consider such an ambitious project.

What is it?

The singular purpose of the "localguide" project is to provide a directory structure that allows an individual to use a direct URL (web address) to access a community directory from which they can find associated sites for a specific town/suburb/place. It needs to be stressed that the "localguide" project is not designed to provide content as such. This is best left to the local content providers. Existing and future "community" sites will actually add more value to the "localguide". What the project aims to do is to make such "local" sites more accessible by using the direct URL (web address) approach. Once a visitor becomes familiar with how the direct URL's work, they will no longer need to waste time in Search Engines or Large Directories trying to sift through the fragmented links just to find a specific site that "might" fulfill their needs. Let's face it, why on earth would someone want to use a major search engine or directory to locate a business within their own community. Technically, each community "should" have a site which draws all the local links into a single place. It's from there that a user would typically locate a "local" small business site which they could then visit. At this point in time, there are some excellent community sites spread throughout Australia. In most cases, they are operated by dedicated individuals who are "locals" themselves. The problem they face, which is typical of most small businesses, is the gaining of widespread, continuing cost effective exposure to the wider community. As part of the 'localguide' network, we aim to over come this issue by promoting on a single front.

How it works!

OK, let's go through a simple example. Say you wish to visit Ulladulla on the South Coast of New South Wales. Until now, the only real options available would be to either do a search in one of the major search engines or visit a major directory to find potential links that would provide the information you seek. Now, with the 'localguide' approach you can use a direct URL. So in the case of Ulladulla all you have to do is type in This will take you directly to a page containing "local" links which may or may not include a "community" directory.

Now, you might think we've only done this for major cities and towns. Well, we have in fact included every destination in Australia (within reason). A few issues have arisen that required some slight modifications. For example, if you type in did you actually wish to visit Milton in NSW or Milton in QLD. Obviously, you can't visit both at the same time so we have an intercept page that allows a visitor to pick precisely where they wish to visit.

What does it all mean?

Sites within the 'localguide' network will have more potential for attracting visitors than if they relied on their own promotional efforts. The only way to compete with the corporate heavy weights is to combine the efforts of many. In fact, the corporate type entities give little regard for those communities outside major metropolitan areas. This should not be the case. If a locality within Australia has a small business site, it should be accessible from within that localities community site or at the very least from within the regions community site.

In Summary

For the "localguide" to have any real value, visitors must be confident that by using the site they will be able to access "local" content. For local content to be available, we will be reliant on web site submissions from individuals such as yourself. The more small businesses that have some sort of web presence, the more value a visitor will gain by visiting community site.

There are many other features to be associated with the "localguide" project but these can only be fully outlined once the "localguide" site is fully active. At this stage, we aim to have the first implementation of the "localguide" up by late 2000.

Important Note

The 'localguide' project is in fact the reason we have set up The Web Site Publishers Network (that's this site). As we approached the final stages of implementing the localguide (all the software and data is finalised), it became painfully obvious that many existing community sites (directories) contained very few listings for local small businesses. That's when the penny dropped. While the internet has enjoyed enormous coverage in the media, one of the most important aspects has been completely overlooked - the specific needs of small business. Our researched clearly showed that all the so called "e-commerce" solutions for small business where not only over-priced but completely overkill. The reason for this is very simple. The people behind much of the internets development have never operated a small business, so their only dealings have been with corporate entities. They've made the incorrect assumptions that what works for large businesses must also work for small business. As we know, they are totally WRONG. On top of all this, we have some internet technology companies worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but what are these valuations based on. My personal view is that they're based on the ability to charge outrageous prices for using their technology with little regard as to whether they deliver a cost effective solution. I consider this the very reason that so few small businesses have actually taken advantage of this truly amazing technology and as a consequence, most community directories are lacking. To rectify this situation, we have taken on the challenge of showing individuals such as yourself how to go about assisting small businesses in establishing a cost effective web site. I have absolutely no doubts that ALL small businesses will benefit by establishing a web site which compliments their existing business (marketing) activities.

Due to all our resources being temporarily diverted into putting The Web Site Publishers Network web site together, we had to delay the final deployment date for the localguide web site. Ultimately, the more small businesses which are shown the alternatives and value in establishing a web site, the more value local community directories will have and this increases even further the value of what we wish to achieve with the localguide. I'd like to see this as a WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN where the visitors gets extra value, the web site publisher gets extra value, the small business gets extra value, the local community directories get extra value and finally, the localguide gets extra value. I do hope we've been able to convey what we aim to achieve for the benefit or many.

Copyright © 2002 AAA Media Network

Have you visited the local guide yet - every locality in Australia is covered. NSW - VIC - SA - TAS - WA - QLD - ACT - NT